Perinatal Primary Care

Perinatal Primary Care
Dr Mel Mapleson is a neuroprotective developmental care (NDC) accredited Specialist General Practitioner (BAppSc MBBS FRACGP DipChildHealth) working in prenatal and postnatal care of parents and babies.
Dr Mapleson’s work is dedicated specifically to needs arising in the perinatal period. Her niche service is not designed to replace your regular GP. In fact, with your permission, Mel will involve your GP, speaking to them directly, or writing to your regular GP to keep them informed of your progress under her care. It is certainly in your best interest to have a regular GP for yourself and your family.
Mum & Bub Support
Feed/Sleep/Cry concerns (long consult - Unpack The Lot!)
“A mum and bub” session is a 60minute comprehensive consultation where you work with Dr Mel to unpack the difficulties of having a newborn. For more information on what is involved in this appointment, check out Dr Mel’s website!
Postnatal Health for Mum up to 12 months
After having your baby, whether by vaginal delivery or Caesarean section, there are a number of health matters and questions that typically arise during this time about mum and her health and wellbeing. Dr Melanie can help with general postnatal recovery and wellbeing, maternal mental health, family planning and contraception, the 6-week checkup, and any other concerns you have during the perinatal period.
Newborn/Child Health up to 12 months
Dr Mel’s services for children include newborn checks, tongue tie assessments, childhood immunisations and Blue Book checks, and any other medical concerns you may have about your little one in the first year of their life. For matters relating to early infant care, such as baby feeding, unsettled behaviour or sleep, we would invite you to explore the "Mum & Bub Support" link above.
Postnatal Home Visit
Wellbeing check, newborn exam, breastfeeding support and more, in the comfort of your own lounge room. Coming soon, stay tuned!
We're here to help, contact us today